One of the most important things to do after buying a house is to choose the interior design that will be applied. There are many design options that are suitable to be applied in an empty house. One of them is a modern minimalist interior design .
There is no special rule in choosing an interior design. Most importantly, choose a home interior design that is most suitable and makes you comfortable. So, for inspiration, check out the interior design options for your dream house.
Minimalist Interior Design
The character of the modern concept that avoids the use of unnecessary details is indeed in line with the minimalist concept that is currently becoming a trend. Efficiency is the key word. You can make your dream house with modern decorations come true by choosing furniture that really maximizes its function and removes unnecessary decorations that will make the house feel full.
Just look at the design of the room above. The spacious space does not necessarily make you obliged to fill it with various items. Just place the necessary furniture and decorate it with simple but striking decorations.
Back to nature
One of the main characteristics of modern decorating concepts is the use of natural materials. You can apply this, especially in the bathroom. You can use wooden furniture, stone-patterned floors, to the placement of ornamental plants in the room.
If you don’t want to use wood because the maintenance factor is not easy, you can use stone materials. This material can be used on the wall as a whole or just as an accent.
Permanent Barrier Free
Still in line with the minimalist concept, modern decorations in your dream home will be more pronounced if you remove permanent partitions or walls for several rooms. In addition to giving the impression of being spacious, this open floor style will also show the harmony of the decor in your residential concept.
If you have a house that is not too big, this modern decoration concept without partitions will also be very helpful. The kitchen, dining room and living room blend together perfectly. Want to keep partitioning? You can use a bookcase or display cabinet that does not have permanent properties.
Textured Plain
If you are a minimalist type and don’t want to bother thinking about decorations and wall paint colors, apply one of the modern decorating concepts on this one: texture games. What is meant by texture here is the choice of furniture material that has fiber.
Take a look at the design above. Although the color of the walls and furniture uses a white monochrome color, the rich textured decor gives this room a different feel. There are metal textures from lamps, metal textures on tables, wood textures on chairs, to carpet textures as floor mats.