The Dos and Don’ts of Interior Design: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Interior design is an exciting aspect of home living that allows you to express your creativity while enhancing your living space’s visual appeal. Whether you’re revamping your entire home or simply updating a single room, there are several dos and don’ts to keep in mind to ensure your home looks its best. Here are some common mistakes to avoid in interior design.

DO consider your lifestyle

It’s important to think about how you live in your home when designing. If you have kids or pets, an all-white living room may not be the best idea. Consider using darker colors or stain-resistant fabrics.

DON’T forget about function

While aesthetics are essential in interior design, function should always come first. Consider the functionality of the space you want to design, and think about how that space will be used. For example, a small home office should prioritize storage and workspace over style.

DO have a focal point

Every room should have a focal point, which can be a piece of furniture, artwork or even a statement wall. Having a focal point can help link all of the design elements together and give the room a sense of harmony.

DON’T overcrowd the space

It’s important not to overdo it with too many elements in the room. Overcrowding can make a room feel small and cluttered. Consider a minimalist approach if in doubt.

DO balance colors and patterns

Colors and patterns can add visual interest to your space, but it’s important to have a balance between the two. Utilize a color wheel to help you choose coordinating colors and experiment with texture and patterns subtly.

DON’T skimp on lighting

Lighting is a critical element in interior design. Ensure the room has enough lighting balance to properly illuminate the space. Natural light is the best option if possible, and consider using a mix of lamps in the evening to create the perfect mood lighting.

DO think about scale and proportion

Pay close attention to the scale and proportion of larger pieces of furniture, such as sofas or tables. Oversized furniture can make a room feel cramped, while undersized furniture can make a space look sparse.

In conclusion, interior design is an exciting opportunity to exhibit your personality through your home’s décor. Remember to avoid common mistakes by considering your lifestyle, function, focal point, not overcrowding the space, balancing colors and patterns, not skimping on lighting, and thinking about scale and proportion. Using these tips, you can transform your home into a beautiful and functional living space that you and your family will love.